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Olive Fruit Fly & Med Fruit Fly

Automated Pest Monitoring &
Control System

Olive Fruit Fly & Med Fruit Fly

Automated Pest Monitoring &
Control System

Welcome to the new era of Fruit Fly Pest Control

We make precision in fruit fly control happen in the Mediterranean!

FruitFlyNet offers its unique, innovative, Location Aware System (LAS) to monitor and control the most dangerous key pests of olive, peach, citrus, and other crops.

Apply LAS of FruitFlyNet to:

  • Make precision in olive fruit fly (dacus) and Medfly fruit fly control happen in your field!
  • Take benefit of a complete package of innovative solutions to answer when, and where to spray. It then guides you in real time for precise spraying applications in your field!
  • Effectively protect your crop, reduce production cost, and protect the environment by applying the most up-to-date Integrated Pest Management (IPM) electronic tools!

Find the answers you need

The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae) for olives and the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) for peach orchards and citrus in the Mediterranean countries.

The system efficacy increases as the application area is increasing, if a minimum could be said it should be higher than 10 ha.

The system can consider the shape and adjust.

Yes, using the registered insecticides in organic farming.

The system can apply both types of spraying.

Send us you contact details and a short description of your case. After that a member of our team will contact you.

The system offers only advice and don’t compensate; the farmer has the responsibility for accepting or not the system suggestions and apply the sprayings. The farmer covers the cost of the spraying applications.

The system has been designed to offer its benefits in a as much as possible simple and easy to grasp way. The user does not have to know about the IPM or the control of the pests.

Yes, you can apply them, such as lure and kill methods etc.

Yes, the improvements of e-services due to new IPM rules or spraying legislation will be incorporated according to the version of the system.

Yes, the use of both should have a supplementary effect.

The cost of equipment is included in the product.

Please consult our webinars available openly in this website.



Design, construction and optimization of electronic insect traps (e-traps)



Installation and operation of a wireless network of sensors and data transfer (images and meteorological data)



Development of a geographical database



Development of decision making systems for spraying



Creation of real-time sprayer guidance systems



Spray traceability systems and evaluation of their accuracy and effectiveness

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